3RUNmy T-Shirts for sale

Tees for sale. RM25 only (not including postage). Very Limited Stock!!!
Email me (amir) at artificialharmonix@yahoo.com for payment details.

Thanks. Peace out!

Abudi's and Amir's Work.

So as all of you have known, Abudi had this TVC shoot work a few days back and Amir's working on a movie called HAQ the movie. There's much of gaining experience in the professional production work. So here's the videos for both of the works.

Amir's working in a movie called HAQ: The Movie.

Abudi's TVC Shoot on Navratna Oil, a company in India.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3RUNmy T-Shirts for sale

Tees for sale. RM25 only (not including postage). Very Limited Stock!!!
Email me (amir) at artificialharmonix@yahoo.com for payment details.

Thanks. Peace out!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Abudi's and Amir's Work.

So as all of you have known, Abudi had this TVC shoot work a few days back and Amir's working on a movie called HAQ the movie. There's much of gaining experience in the professional production work. So here's the videos for both of the works.

Amir's working in a movie called HAQ: The Movie.

Abudi's TVC Shoot on Navratna Oil, a company in India.


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